Thursday, March 12, 2015


I was so proud of myself today during my arm workout! The pump in my arm was fucking huge which is always awesome. I was really motivated to make the workout good and it turned out very well. Here's what I did!!!

Dumbell shoulder press: 4 x 8-12 (25's and 30's)

Arnold Press: 2 x 8-12 (25's) I only did two sets because I felt a lot of pressure in my shoulder and      decided that was a sign to stop. Maybe I should do the arnold press first??

One-Arm Leverage Shoulder Press: 4 x 8-15 (20 and 25 pds) 4 sets on each arm

Rear delt Flyes on Incline Bench: 5 x 10-20 (15's and 20's)

Bicep Barbell Curl: 4 x 10-12 (20 pound barbell)

Bicep Barbell Curl on Incline Bench: 4 x 10-20 (20 pound barbell)

One arm cable curl: 4 x 10 (35 and 50 pounds) 4 sets of each arm

Dumbell Skull Crushers: 4 x 10-20 (25's, 30's, 35's)

One Arm Tricep Skull Crusher: 3 x 10 (10 pound dumbell)

One arm Tricep Extensions: 4 x 10-20 (5 pounds and 10 pounds)


3 sets of sit ups till failure
2 sets of oblique crunches till failure
1 set of toe touchers till failure
1 set of knee ups till failure

I maybe should I have done Arnold presses first. I felt like there was a lot of pressure in my arm so I had to stop the sets early. Also, I'm realizing that holding the muscle contraction at the top of the movement is very important. I squeezed at the top of my bicep curls and the pump was great.

One arm tricep extensions are helping with the very top of my tricep (right under my armpit) I never seem to hit that part of my tricep correctly.
I didn't get to do tricep pulldowns which are my favorite :(

I love doing shoulders... I love seeing the definition come in. It really motivates me to keep going.

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