Hi, I'm Peggy and this is my place to record and talk shit about my workouts. My goal is to record my workouts each day so I can track my progress and see what works best for me. I was introduced to lifting back in July 2014 by my awesome boyfriend. Now I'm addicted!! So here's my little place to write down how I feel! I'm not concerned with follower count or how many people see this blog. It's main purpose is showing me my progress and change
Monday, March 16, 2015
Back at it
Bench press dumbells: 5x10-20 (20's for warmup, 30's and 35's)
Incline Machine 5 x 10-15 (10 on each side for warmup, 25 for the rest)
Isolateral chest press 5 x 10-15 (35's to warmup, two sets of 55 and two sets of 50
Machine Flyes 5 x 10-15 (60's to warm up, 70 for the rest)
I felt the workout was alright today. I had a hard time pushing myself through. I wanted to start doing pushups today but forgot! next week I will add that in.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Lagging Body Part Day
I don't have a set workout for this! I'm just gonna go in and figure it out as I go. I have ideas. Not sure how much I'll train each part.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Dumbell shoulder press: 4 x 8-12 (25's and 30's)
Arnold Press: 2 x 8-12 (25's) I only did two sets because I felt a lot of pressure in my shoulder and decided that was a sign to stop. Maybe I should do the arnold press first??
One-Arm Leverage Shoulder Press: 4 x 8-15 (20 and 25 pds) 4 sets on each arm
Rear delt Flyes on Incline Bench: 5 x 10-20 (15's and 20's)
Bicep Barbell Curl: 4 x 10-12 (20 pound barbell)
Bicep Barbell Curl on Incline Bench: 4 x 10-20 (20 pound barbell)
One arm cable curl: 4 x 10 (35 and 50 pounds) 4 sets of each arm
Dumbell Skull Crushers: 4 x 10-20 (25's, 30's, 35's)
One Arm Tricep Skull Crusher: 3 x 10 (10 pound dumbell)
One arm Tricep Extensions: 4 x 10-20 (5 pounds and 10 pounds)
3 sets of sit ups till failure
2 sets of oblique crunches till failure
1 set of toe touchers till failure
1 set of knee ups till failure
I maybe should I have done Arnold presses first. I felt like there was a lot of pressure in my arm so I had to stop the sets early. Also, I'm realizing that holding the muscle contraction at the top of the movement is very important. I squeezed at the top of my bicep curls and the pump was great.
One arm tricep extensions are helping with the very top of my tricep (right under my armpit) I never seem to hit that part of my tricep correctly.
I didn't get to do tricep pulldowns which are my favorite :(
I love doing shoulders... I love seeing the definition come in. It really motivates me to keep going.
Yesterday's Workout
Leg Day and Squat Depth
I've been doing squats for awhile now but one thing I lack is the proper depth in the squat while maintaining a straight back. My feet and knees are in proper place. It's just a matter of practicing depth. Here's what I need to do
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Motivation (lack of)
My mom has been struggling with cancer for a few years now and although she puts on a smile and tries to stay positive, she has her bad days. Seeing her like that makes me sad and unmotivated.
Leg workout
Today I'm going to try to split my work leg out into quads on one day and hamstrings and glutes another day. Hopefully I can get better results by just focusing on one area.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Just an after thought.
Form is more important than amount of weight. If good form can't be kept at a certain weight, decrease the weight until you achieve the best possible form. Decreasing weight doesn't mean weakness, it means training in a smart and effective way. There's no point in doing sets with large weights and poor form.
Back Day
Lat cable pull downs: 4 x 10-20 reps (80-95 pounds)
T bar rows 4 x 10-12 (15-25 pounds)
Dumbell rows 4 x 10-12 (35-45 pounds)
Barbell row 4 x 12-20 (45-65 pounds)
Seated row 4 x 10-12 (60-65 Pounds)
I didn't eat enough before I went to the gym so I felt a little weak. Also the gym was hot as fuck and I was covered in sweat.
Matt pointed out that I need to keep my shoulders from turning inward. I need to keep my back straight, chest out, and shoulders straight.
Also Matt noticed I sometimes let my whole body pull the weight rather than letting my back do all the work.
My back needs to be the primary muscle group used so when I do t bar rows, I can't let my chest come off the padding or else I start using my lower back and shoulders to use the weight. T bars are a middle back exercise.
Dumbell rows seem to work best when I hold for a second at the top of the movement. I feel the full contraction in my back.
Most important thing I need to always keep in mind: Focus on the contraction and hold it for a brief pause.
I met the amazing Dana Linn Bailey and her husband at the Arnold Expo this weekend!
This chest workout wrecked me! Still sore!
- Dumbell Flyes: 5 x 10-15 (15's used for the first set , 25's for the rest of the sets)*I actually did 22 reps with the 15's as a warm up*
- Incline Dumbell Press: 5 x 10-12 (20's for first set, 25's for the rest) *15 reps with the 20's for warm up*
- Decline Press: 4 x 10-12 (25 pounds on each side for the first set, moved up to 35 for one set and then 40 pounds for the last two) *20 reps with the 25 pounds for warm up*
- Bench Press flat with smiths machine: 5 x 10-12 (bar + twenty pounds, bar + 30 pounds) *just the bar for twenty reps to warm up*
- I don't really like doing decline press so sometimes I half ass it. I should have forced myself to do another set. I did one set of warm up and 3 working sets. I should do at least four working sets. I sometimes struggle to figure out how I should sit to make this press work best. Yesterday I sat with the handles at chest level and my shoulders back. It must have worked because the top part of my chest is sore as fuck!
- I was very motivated today after going to the Arnold Expo over the weekend. I met Dana Linn Bailey who is such an inspiration to me.
- I'm starting to rely more on dumbells and barbells to train rather than machines. I like learning to control the weight in my hands. I feel like machines are much easier!! Easier = not enough of a challenge.